Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm Alive

But, I've had two of the worst days at work ever. Year end stuff (9/30) and other things have kept me from blogging. I can't say anything about what's been going on at work, because I know of at least one person getting fired for what he posted about things at work, but let me tell ya, I've been "delegated" projects that DO NOT enter my job description {which puts me at a higher level) , but enter into someone else's on a much higher level that has NO CLUE how to do what she/he has been asked to do, by Nov. 1 The shit is going to hit the fan tomorrow morning when my boss asks how I have been delegated to a job that is clearly NOT part of my job description, even though I am capable of doing the job (nights and weekends would be involved to accomplish the task} yet they (people that should be doing the job) refuse to upgrade my job description and salary level. Valium will help me sleep tonight. Can't wait to see the results of tomorrow's meeting!

Sorry, I needed to vent!


Ann said...

Good Luck! Let us know how things go.

Life's a Beach! said...

JoAnne, hope you got good news today at work and are out celebrating tonight!