Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tomorrow will Tell....

Tim and I are due for our annual physicals tomorrow morning. The big issue with both of us is cholesteral levels (we're both on different meds) . We had our bloodwork done last Saturday - full health profile and cholesterol screening and liver functions (as some of the meds I'm on, including the cholesterol med, hormones, and another can effect the liver function).

I've been feeling really, really tired lately - to the point that people at work are telling me how tired I look - I have no idea why, we've been eating healthy, cut fat way down, I've actually been able to get Tim to eat some veggies which he'd never even think of touching.

I get plenty of exercise at work, walking all over the building every day. I drive to work so that Tim can read the paper, and he drives home so I can chill. I've been falling asleep on the way home, Tim having to wake me when we get home, and I feel like I could just go to bed and continue sleeping; then I come around, do supper, catch up on the internet, and am usually in bed by 10, but it doesn't seem enough.

I've had a few mornings where I "wake up" taking care of the cats - Simba needs to not only eat, but has take two pills and an injection of insulin as part of his morning routine. The others only need food, then I hit the shower. I seem to have gotten totally awake till the drive to work, and then I get sleepy again, to the point that I feel like I'm going to fall asleep at the wheel. Not good!!

We take a daily regimen of vitamins, so one would think we'd feel fine.

I know I have a lot going on in my life - I cry at the drop of a hat, due to my brother in law's cancer and his treatments, which have made him so, so sick and losing weight that he didn't need to lose... David & Lisa's divorce, and TREMENDOUS stress at work due to year end W2 adjustments, bonuses, etc

I'm also awaiting biopsy results from my last pap spear.... even though I've had a hysterectomy, I still need to get a vaginal pap (sorry guys) and it came out "abnormal". While vaginal cancer is rare, my doc said he needed to do a polscopy (biopsy under microscope) and that's what we're wating on - I had it done last Wednesday, but the results weren't back still as of today.

So, hopefully, tomorrow we may have some answers from my blood work... It's not every day that I feel off kilter, but there are many. Keep your fingers crossed for me, will ya?


Life's a Beach! said...

My fingers and toes are crossed JoAnne. Keep the faith. I've had a couple of scares in the last 10 years and both have been benign. In fact, I had surgery because they thought a mass on my ovary was malignant. And all was fine. My mind always goes to worse case scenario, but usually it's okay. I was feeling horribly tired in June and went in. My blood pressure was sky high. It's down now, but now they're watching my kidney function because it wasn't good in the bloodwork. In fact, I have to run to the lab tomorrow. Stress can really make you tired, so maybe that's all it is! I'll be thinking of you!

Ann said...

Will be thinking good thoughts! The scariest part is the waiting for answers--hope you get some quickly.

Moongrl722 said...

Sending good health karma your way, Girlfriend. Stress can make you tired, as can a lot of things that are easy to fix, medically speaking. Last time I was as tired as you described, I was pregnant. hee hee. Get some rest this weekend.

Vee said...

Thinking of you, JoAnne. Please take care of yourself and keep us posted.